Referral program on Dex-Trade: start making money with us

Referral program on Dex-Trade: start making money with us

Welcome to the Dex-Trade referral program!
Breaking news!
Brand new functionality on our platform with real benefit for you!

Dex-Traders, we are glad to present a new section that is available in your personal account: The Referral Program!

Attract your friends and mates to our platform, and get wonderful rewards for this!

The referral program consists of 3 levels:

Level 1 - Your friends who registered on our exchange using your referral link

Level 2 - friends of your friends

Level 3 - users registered by the link of your friends' friends


The reward for you is accordingly:

1st level - 10%
2nd level - 7%
3rd level - 3%

Post your affiliate link to the maximum number of resources - social networks, forums, profile sites, news resources, etc. 
The more traders come from you, the more income you will get!

Affiliate links are often hidden behind shortened links. We highly recommend DO NOT do this. Once your chosen service will be closed,  (as it was with from Google), you will have to surf all resources again and change all links.

We wish you all successful trades and nerves of steel!
Thanks for staying with us!
