Crypto Market Overview January 23rd | Dex-Trade

Crypto Market Overview January 23rd | Dex-Trade

David Gochstein Threatens to Resign and Delete His Twitter If…

The founder of Gokhshtein Media, David Gokhstein, wrote a “joking” tweet yesterday that he would delete his social media account if the price of Shiba Inu (SHIB) memcoin jumped to $0.01: "SHIB, please hit one cent so I can delete this Twitter account." This joke hints that former US congressional candidate Gochstein owns a significant amount of SHIB and is optimistic about its price. In fact, by deleting his Twitter account, a businessman can safely retire and rest for the rest of his life. But only if the meme coin reaches the value of $0.01. Recall that Gokhshtein often advertised the main competitor of DOGE. Last November, he identified himself as the unofficial leader of the Shiba Inu and appears to have regularly and heavily invested in crypto. However, for a safe retirement, Gochstein will have to wait until SHIB is up 82,476% from current levels. But in fairness, it should be noted that in 2021, the coin did receive an outstanding increase of 46,000,000%. However, the crypto community took Gochstein's tweet quite lightheartedly. For example, market analyst Caleb Franzen noted that Gochstein's target for SHIB is impractical, as SHIB's market capitalization would need to rise to $5.9 trillion to achieve it. For reference: at the moment, the market capitalization of the coin is $6.62.


SEC vs Abraham Eisenberg: Mango Markets Hack Case 'Overgrown With Meat'

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), in cooperation with the FBI and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), accused arrogant hacker Abraham Eisenberg of orchestrating an attack on decentralized finance (DeFi) platform Mango Markets. According to a January 20 press release, the SEC specifically charges Eisenberg with “violating anti-fraud and market manipulation provisions of the securities laws.” It is now known that after his arrest in Puerto Rico, Eisenberg is awaiting transportation to appear in court in the Southern District of New York. It is worth noting that the Department of Justice and the CFTC also filed criminal and civil charges against the manipulator. In turn, representatives of the SEC allege that Eisenberg manipulated Mango Markets' native token, MNGO, and stole about $116 million worth of cryptocurrency. “As we allege, Eisenberg engaged in a manipulative and deceptive scheme to artificially inflate the price of the MNGO token, which was purchased and sold as a crypto asset security, in order to borrow and then withdraw nearly all available assets from Mango Markets.” — David Hirsch, Head of SEC Crypto Assets and Cyber Division, said. Recall that Eisenberg manipulated Mango Markets in early October. After the exploit, the man used the Mango governance proposal platform to initiate a vote in which he proposed liquidating the DAO treasury to pay off $70 million in bad debts to users. The proposal was ultimately rejected by the Mango community.


Vitalik Buterin Intends to Fight One of Ethereum's 'Biggest Problems'

In another blog post, the creator of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, says that the leading smart contract platform is facing a major hurdle in protecting the privacy of user data. But, in his opinion, this problem can be solved quite quickly and simply. Buterin sees the crux of the problem in that everything that enters the public blockchain is, in fact, public: not only money and financial transactions, but also the names ENS (Ethereum Name Service), POAP (presence confirmation protocols), NFT, Soulbound tokens and more. That is, the use of the entire set of Ethereum applications involves the disclosure of a significant part of the information about the user. Buterin says that for now, the best way to protect privacy on Ethereum is to use stealth addresses, i.e. one-time addresses that hide the public key, ensuring no one can trace payments back to the sender. Therefore, the creator of Ethereum suggests that Ethereum owners use crypto wallets to get the benefits of hidden addresses. In addition, this option can be configured in many wallets.
