Crypto Market Overview February 27th | Dex-Trade

Crypto Market Overview February 27th | Dex-Trade


The Crypto Community “Scraped” Only $212 Million for Ukraine

According to the analytical platform Elliptic, a year after the troops of a second-rate gas station led by sadist putin came to kill, rape and rob the Ukrainian people, the global crypto community donated a fantastic $212 million to support the victims and the military needs of Ukraine. It is noteworthy that, according to the data on February 24 from the Chainalysis platform, the final amount of cryptocurrency donations to Ukrainians amounted to a little over $70 million: $28.9 million was transferred in ETH, $22.8 million in BTC and $11.6 million in USDT. Which of these data should be considered reliable? Choose yourself. Elliptic representatives also stated that many crypto-donation campaigns for the victims of the russo-terrorists in Ukraine, to one degree or another, used the main developments in the crypto ecosystem, as well as some recent decentralized finance systems and even prepaid crypto cards. As for the purpose of the funding, an analysis of the transactions tracked by Elliptic shows that the main part of the money, and these are $212.1 million worth of crypto assets, went to support the humanitarian and military needs of Ukraine. At the same time, anti-government organizations in Belarus raised only $0.7 million. But the orcs for their cannon fodder collected only about $4.8 million. By the way, more than 10% of these donations came from illegal sources. These include darknet marketplaces, sanctioned organizations, and providers of stolen credit cards. The picture of crypto-donations reflects the general political situation around the genocide of the Ukrainian people: representatives of countries are catastrophically worried, but this only exacerbates their political impotence.

CZ Allows Russian Citizens to Trade Crypto on Binance

According to a recent report from Inca Digital, many of the world's major cryptocurrency exchanges have not stopped working with customers from the gas station state. The list of fans to sit on two chairs at the same time includes such giants as Huobi and Binance. By the way, the CEO of the last of them, Changpeng Zhao (CZ), after the imposition of sanctions, complained for a very long time that if he forbade the orcs to trade cryptocurrency, then this could be called a political decision and discrimination. Therefore, he decided to pay off his conscience and the world community by sending an astronomical amount of $1 million to support Ukraine. And the most interesting thing is that it worked: against the backdrop of large-scale scandals in the crypto industry and the collapse of entire ecosystems, no one even noticed the fact that Binance openly ignores international sanctions requirements. The report also states that orc-traders continue to use their credit cards for crypto trading on a number of major exchanges without issue. Most of these cards were issued by financial institutions under sanctions. The very sanctions that literally the entire civilized political community signed. One of the most striking examples is Sberbank, which continues to use the services of the Huobi cryptocurrency exchange to provide its customers with additional options for working with crypto.

Ameen Soleimani Hints at the Resurgence of Tornado Cash

The co-founder of SpankChain and Reflex Labs, Ameen Soleimani, tweeted that he was involved with the Moloch DAO, which provides grants for the development of Ethereum projects, hinted at the Tornado Cash sequel, and wrote: “I sincerely hope no one thought we were finished?”  In a nutshell, transaction mixing protocols, or just mixers like Tornado Cash, use fairly complex algorithms to hide the origin of a cryptocurrency. And this causes “righteous anger” from regulators around the world. Therefore, last year the US Office of Foreign Assets Control stated that it was Tornado Cash that was “guilty” of money laundering by the Lazarus hacker group, the largest North Korean gang that steals cryptocurrencies and traditional assets in favor of the DPRK government. Recall that last summer, the Dutch authorities arrested the developer of Tornado Cash, Alexey Pertsev. He remains in custody until a hearing scheduled for April this year. At the same time, the arrest of Pertsev even caused a wave of indignation and even caused almost the first demonstrations, which were attended by representatives of the crypto community.
