Crypto Market Overview December 23rd | Dex-Trade

Crypto Market Overview December 23rd | Dex-Trade

Snoop Dogg Rides NFT: Rapper Becomes Bored Ape Collector

Legendary American rapper, businessman and crypto fanatic Snoop Dogg told about the purchase of 4 characters from the acclaimed NFT collection Bored Ape, included in a separate set of "bored monkeys" that prefer pink fur. Snoop himself tweeted about this. In addition, the rapper has already put one of the acquired characters on his Twitter avatar. This automatically makes him one of the largest NFT collectors to publicly announce their purchases. Snoop Dogg also announced a partnership with metaverse The Sandbox, where he acquired a piece of virtual space and announced his intention to release his own avatars and other fan attributes in the NFT format. By the way, just a couple of months ago, the largest collector of non-fungible tokens with the nickname Cozomo De 'Medici made a deanon and admitted that he is Snoop Dogg. However, since that time, the story has not received any development. It is still unknown if Medici and Snoop are the same person, but Cozomo retweeted the rapper's new post and captioned it with the meaningful “Oh and btw ;)” which further confused the followers on both accounts.


Does Not by Musk Alone: Jack Dorsey Accuses Web3 of Being Centralized

Twitter founder and crypto evangelist Jack Dorsey, almost in parallel with Elon Musk's caustic comments about the web3 technology trend, criticized it, calling it a monopoly platform for large corporations and venture capital funds. The essence of Dorsey's hate is that large venture capitalists like Andreessen Horowitz, which are willing to invest large sums in cryptocurrency and blockchain projects, are not always really interested in decentralizing them. However, the businessman clarified that he is not against web3 as a stage of technological development. His charges relate exclusively to monopolization inherent in venture capital: “I promise this is a fight against the “rich dudes” taking advantage of people like you who should own it all.” Dorsey is known for his maximalistic approach to Bitcoin, which the entrepreneur has repeatedly hinted with his statements. Moreover, he is really interested in BTC, so he often faces criticism from adherents of ETH and other altcoins. The businessman's company, Square Inc., is developing a Defi ecosystem for Bitcoin and is trying to solve the problems associated with the decentralization of cryptocurrency transactions. Whether the fight against venture capitalists will become Dorsey's new mission remains to be seen.


Tron Founder Will Go To The Orbit in Jeff Bezos' Ship

The founder of the Tron cryptocurrency blockchain, Justin Sun, is listed as one of the orbital tourists of Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin, who will set off on space travel next year. Sun also tweeted that he will pick up and pay for the flight for five more people who will accompany him throughout the trip. Their names will remain a secret for several months, but the newly minted space tourist clarified that his companions will include a member of the TRON DAO community, an entrepreneur from the technology sector, an artist and an influential celebrity. “So I’m very excited to announce this news and turn this opportunity into a voyage with 5 other warriors to space with me because I believe that space belongs to everyone!” — tweeted Sun. The flight of space tourists on the New Shepard spacecraft will last 11 minutes, after which they will return to the surface of Earth. The ship has already completed 3 successful flights to an altitude of over 100 km, a member of one of which was Jeff Bezos.


